About This Website

Welcome to your St. Thomas Aquinas, Class of 1974 (Best Damn Class!) home on the internet. 

We hope this site will be -

  • A source of information on pending reunions and activities
  • A way to get and stay in touch with your old friends and classmates

If this is your first visit to your website, please take a few minutes to set up your profile, update your contact information and familiarize yourself with the layout and content.  Many questions that you might have will be answered in the FAQ-How To Use Site section.

Membership to our STA74 BDC website is limited to our classmates, faculty and administration is by invitation only. It is not open to the general public.  Classmates can individually determine whether their profile information is public, or viewable only by registered classmates.  Your personal information is confidential and private and will never be shared with anyone without your permission.

Email notifications from this web site:  please add siteadmin@stthomasaquinas74bdc.com to your address book and adjust your spam settings and filters so that you can receive email from the website, otherwise email from the website will likely end up in your junk or spam folder.

Be sure to visit to the FAQ-How To Use Site to familiarize yourself with the site.  If you have any questions, be sure to contact us.